Some quick tips on the inevitable encounters in the outdoors
Everyone has to go! It’s just a matter of when and where. If not taken care of properly, there are negative externalities that will pile up (literally).
Keep in mind, that if you take care of nature, it will take care of you.
So, where should I go?
There are so many places, but where is the most ideal place to go?
Move at a minimum of 200 feet away from any body of water, get away from the trail, and other people.
If possible, find a place that is flat or has a lower grade. If you are on a hill or incline, do your best to ensure safety before putting yourself at risk. Also be aware that your waste will flow downhill.
A reminder that poop takes an average of one year to decompose into the soil. Taking proper action can ensure that we keep nature better than we found it.
How do I go?
You have found your perfect place. Now how should you go?
Dig a hole at least 6-inches in diameter and a minimum of 6-inches deep. This will allow an easy cover up for when you’ve finished your business.
Make sure everything lands to the side of the hole, (or do your best).
Do NOT put your TP in the hole. Bring a bag and place them inside after being used (used food bags work great). Take you toilet paper or wipes with you.
Cover the hole with the displaced dirt.
Lastly, add some sticks and leaves for camouflage.
Things to remember
Some reminders for the next time you have to go in the forest:
• Carry TP and a make-shift shovel while adventuring.
• Dig your ‘cat-hole’ in friendly, easy-to-move dirt. Avoid rocks and other hard natural surfaces.
• Use the leave no trace rule. This means make it look like you were never there.
How can I help?
The solution to controlling human waste can be simple, but everyone has to do their part. DO THE RIGHT THING.
By following these simple steps, you can make it look like you were never even there.
A special thank you to our intern authors
What made you join the Do Good Shit movement?

Ever since I was a baby my parents have instilled the importance of the outdoors into my life. As a toddler we would go on camping trips to places like Yosemite and Point Reyes. As I grew older, I started to be able to carry a greater load, and before I knew it I was up backpacking in Desolation Wilderness. On only my second trip, I noticed that the outdoors were not as perfect as they seemed, and it was because of us humans. As my dad and I were searching for a good spot to set up camp, we saw some human waste with the toilet paper on top of it, smack dab in the middle of the site where it would make sense to place the tent. About 2 years ago, my cousin Taylor Zehren and her boyfriend Thor Retzlaff, two people who I am extremely close with, started the non-profit of Do Good Shit. When they created DGS, memories of these past backpacking trips came right back to me, and I realized I wanted to help Tay and Thor because this is a problem that affects all of us outdoorsmen/women. This summer I have been interning for them and have learned more about poop than I ever thought I would. Although it may seem like an irreversible problem, we can change this problem, and that is what motivated me to join and do good shit.
I started camping at a very young age. My roots are in Colorado – a place where camping and biking are popular. I’ve been all over the state from Crested Butte and Fruita. Seeing human waste all over the beautiful places is terrible. I got connected with DGS in a differently manner, after I saw the DGS Everest collaboration watch with 111 watches. My willingness in researching who was behind Do Good Shit came to my attention and I decided to send a quick email to Thor. My interest and willingness grew to help promote DGS. In the past couple months, I’ve traveled around Colorado, riding bikes and camping while finding different ways to promote doing good shit.